On Sunday November 20th I'll be the Nomadic Author Feature for the weekly Nomadic Press West Oakland Farmers Market Open Mic.
Sign up for the open mic starting at 11:20 AM every Sunday. In person
11:30–11:40 AM: Nomadic Author Feature (10 mins)
11:40–11:50 PM: 2 Community Features (5 mins each)
11:50–12 noon: 3 open mic slots (3 mins each)
11:40–11:50 PM: 2 Community Features (5 mins each)
11:50–12 noon: 3 open mic slots (3 mins each)
Press will have its table of books right next to the music/open mic
stage near the intersection of Peralta and 20th. Come support local
artists and farmers and stock up on fresh fruits and veggies for the
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/g5Z8Wzhoqbib4Rv58